Subhra Parna Deb
3 min readDec 5, 2023


To cater to the want of a significant part of the population to rapidly lose weight, diets came into existence. And who doesn’t appreciate quick ways to achieve desired results? People keep coming up with new restrictive methods to get in shape as soon as possible. The quicker it is, the better. Fad diets are eating plans that allure people with the promise of radical
weight loss in a short time period and consequently become very popular.

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Here is a curated list of fad diets that are in trend.

Ketogenic Diet
This diet plan asks for low-carbohydrate but high-fat and protein intake. Once carbohydrate consumption is reduced, the body switches to burning fatty acids primarily instead of carbs for energy. Ketones are chemicals produced by the liver when it breaks down fats, and the body uses these ketones to derive energy.

Atkins Diet
Purportedly the most famous low-carb diet, this method calls for an initial two-week reduction in carbs and high consumption of protein and fat. As the body gradually adapts to breaking down fat for energy in place of sugar, the plan requires the followers to add back carbs slowly to maintain critical carbohydrate levels necessary for weight loss and maintenance of the same.

Intermittent Fasting
This dietary plan talks about when to eat rather than what to eat to burn extra calories. It entails eating and fasting at fixed intervals. Some of the cycles are-
● The 16/8 method: Skip breakfast. Eat for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours.
● The eat-stop-eat method: Fast for 24 hours once or twice a week on non-consecutive days.
● The 5:2 diet: Eat for 5 days and fast for 2 non-consecutive days every week. Calorie intake can go up to 600 on these 2 days.
● The warrior diet: Eat raw fruits and vegetables in small amounts during the day and a proper, big meal at night.

Vegan Diet
Veganism is abstaining from eating all sorts of animal products, namely meat, eggs and dairy. A vegan diet encompasses plant-based food items. Such a diet makes you eat more fibre-rich foods that are low in calories. Some types of vegan diets are based on low-fat and high-carb intake.

Gluten-free Diet
Such a diet cuts down on gluten intake, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, and substitutes it with fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, eggs, beans etc. Certain types of grains like rice, millet and corn are allowed to be eaten. Many processed food items like beer, pastas and cakes
contain gluten.

South Beach Diet
This diet necessitates having good carbs and healthy fats. It relies on lean protein, low-fat dairy products, and good carbs like whole grains, vegetables and fruits. A high intake of low-fat protein is recommended as protein has been proven to reduce more calories than carbs or fat
while digesting food. It can help feel less famished and can lead to better retention of muscles.

Dukan Diet
Consisting of 2 weight loss phases and 2 maintenance phases, this is an extreme dietary scheme. The requisite is to solely consume a very high amount of lean protein. That leads to weight loss, enhances metabolic rate and decreases appetite. In the maintenance phases, carbs and fats are added back to the diet gradually and in smaller amounts, hence not keeping the meals purely protein-based.

